Tuesday, 12. July 2011
6 lucky years of postcrossing... :-))))))

tomorrow will be the 6th b-day of postcrossing!!
thank you, dear PAULO for this gorgeous idea you had 6 years ago... und untill now you made more than 230.000 members from 205 countries happy with their beloved hobby!!!!!

this is my b-day-pic for PC with 6 pottery cards in my hand!!

and me, I'll have my personal b-day in postcrossing two months
later in the first days of september!!!!!!!! as well as I started my
own collection more than 5o years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you like to get a member:

mood: "I send, therefore I receive"

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for our europe-trip.. oh.. it's so difficult for *old women* to have the responsability for a 3-persons-trip to research for all these flights and all these hotels and all these trains... and don't mix anything, and everything shall be working exactly.... oh my god................
as well as I like to do this.......................... :-) :-(

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