Monday, 21. November 2011
three days on the road.... :-))))

just back home from a great 3-days-trip to TEHRAN & SEMNAN to see *the 10th Iranian Ceramic Biennal 2011*!!!!

POSSY & CROSSY on another beautiful art piece of the 10th
ceramic biennal from miss h. ahmadi borujeni!!!

POSSY & CROSSY with another one among the 375 art pieces
from 205 participiants from miss f. hashemi from tehran!!

POSSY & CROSSY in front of a beautiful work piece from
tabriz by mrs. t. mohebbi *father's home*!!

before I took part, too, in the 7th biennal in mashhad and in the 8th biennal in tehran, but now I'm too old & lazy & broken this and that... heheee......

but I MUUST SEE IT!!!!! and I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one part of the expo was shown in tehran and one part in semnan. so I spent 3 days in the busses.. oh my god! but it was worth to do!! it was great to see that the level was higher than the years before!!! they were able to use new technics as raku, reduction firering, chrystalline glaze, luster glaze and much more, and new ideas, too!!! and even I had the opportunity to take part in the closing ceremony at Tehran MoMA!!

zurueck vom europa-urlaub war ich froh, zur 10. Iranischen keramik-biennale in tehran & semnan noch rechtzeitig zu kommen!! es war einfach toll zu sehen, wie sehr das niveau der teilnehmer seit der letzten biennale gestiegen ist, ebenso wie durch den neuen sehr ruehrigen direktor der biennale viele neue ideen fuss fassen konnten, so wurden zb die arbeiten der teilnehmer in mehrere gruppen aufgeteilt und das liess eine gerechtere bewertung erst moeglich sein!! ein thema, was wohl seit 1o jahren in der luft hing!
man kann einfach keine vase mit einer installation vergleichen, um die *schere* mal so krass wie moeglich aufzuzeigen!!!

the weather was a bit foggy, cloudy, rainy....

foggy milad tower in the early morning..........

finally I was sooooooo tired back home and slept again 6 h in my bed!! and now I'm HERE again!!! *smile*

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