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Tuesday, 12. November 2013
cyber-joke... :-)))))))))))
ipuenktchen, 19:16h
und dies koennte, KOENNTE sage ich...., O-ton maenne sein... *groeeeel* deshalb uebersetze ich das mal nicht.. will mich ja
nicht blamieren.. hier bleibt auf deutsch doch alles *unter uns* - *kicher*............

*****Nur wenn Internet ausgeht,
wird bei der Frau automatisch
der Modus Hausfrau aktiviert.*****
und das hatten wir letzte nacht, als stromausfall war.. baeeeh...
nicht blamieren.. hier bleibt auf deutsch doch alles *unter uns* - *kicher*............

*****Nur wenn Internet ausgeht,
wird bei der Frau automatisch
der Modus Hausfrau aktiviert.*****

und das hatten wir letzte nacht, als stromausfall war.. baeeeh...
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my personal stats after 3 and half years of my blog..
ipuenktchen, 19:04h
DE 5.140
US 1.399
IR 1.148 (shame on........ overtaken by US..)
for sure thanks a million for your constant interest!!!!!
but really happy I'm about my faithfull followers in AT, CH, CA, FI....
all between 400 and 200 visitors!!!!
and even proud about followers from countries with not that much postcrossers, but even continuous visiting like IN, NO, LU, IQ, RO, DK, MX with among 43 and 16 visitors!!
and absolutely amazing for me are the visitors from really rare countries like IL, PK, AE, GR, SA, DZ, AR, LB, AM, AZ, UZ, KZ with between 12 and 4 visitors during 3 1/2 years, because I don't know anybody in these countries!!
I thank you all so much for your interest and I feel pushed to continue *smile* pls stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!
DE 5.140
US 1.399
IR 1.148 (shame on........ overtaken by US..)
for sure thanks a million for your constant interest!!!!!

but really happy I'm about my faithfull followers in AT, CH, CA, FI....
all between 400 and 200 visitors!!!!
and even proud about followers from countries with not that much postcrossers, but even continuous visiting like IN, NO, LU, IQ, RO, DK, MX with among 43 and 16 visitors!!
and absolutely amazing for me are the visitors from really rare countries like IL, PK, AE, GR, SA, DZ, AR, LB, AM, AZ, UZ, KZ with between 12 and 4 visitors during 3 1/2 years, because I don't know anybody in these countries!!

I thank you all so much for your interest and I feel pushed to continue *smile* pls stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!
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