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Sunday, 17. November 2013
ENDE GUT - ALLES GUT!!!!!!!!!! :-))))))))
ipuenktchen, 03:17h

All's well that ends well. --- Tout est bien qui finit bien.

All's well that ends well. --- Tout est bien qui finit bien.
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at lili_6789's and later together forward to tehran!! :-))
ipuenktchen, 03:46h
when we went at lili's for lunch, ipue had a lot of cards to scan,
JORIS the 2nd and me had a nice time playing and chatting, and
later he told me, they're going to tehran and he pressed me to
come with them!!?!?

Oh, I neeever had been far from my dear mom since she gave
me home!!?!? could I do this? wouldn't she get sad, or even upset?????????? I really didn't know what would be best!!?! but
finally it was easy to do and mom got happy coz I was happy!!!! :-)))))))))))) and so we left for tehran in the eve.....
pls stay tuned to hear about our *adventure*... jippiiiieh!!!!!!!!
JORIS the 2nd and me had a nice time playing and chatting, and
later he told me, they're going to tehran and he pressed me to
come with them!!?!?

Oh, I neeever had been far from my dear mom since she gave
me home!!?!? could I do this? wouldn't she get sad, or even upset?????????? I really didn't know what would be best!!?! but
finally it was easy to do and mom got happy coz I was happy!!!! :-)))))))))))) and so we left for tehran in the eve.....
pls stay tuned to hear about our *adventure*... jippiiiieh!!!!!!!!
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