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Monday, 9. December 2013
a ride downtown.....
ipuenktchen, 16:44h
leaving home in sunshine, back home in falling snow..... :-)))
from the postoffice (what else???!?!) first we saw the urdubadi mansion, a beautiful traditional house. years ago I had an old driver, who told me, his grandpa was building this house - and he was very proud of!!!!! *smile*

not far from there I saw the ancient municipality (backside), nowadays turned to a museum, and we admired the *last rose*!!!! *smile*

in the yard is a small exhibition of classic cars and even a motorbike which belonged to the fire department!!!!

from there I went to the measuring museum nearby!

I went straight to see its beautiful coloured windows in the saloon!!

da hat tabriz einfach die allerschoensten fenster im ganzen land,
und das sind auch noch schiebefenster - das muss man sich mal vorstellen, sowas wurde vor 200 j angefertigt!! einfach nur immer wieder ueberwaeltigend! und die sonne heute tat ein uebriges!!!

from the postoffice (what else???!?!) first we saw the urdubadi mansion, a beautiful traditional house. years ago I had an old driver, who told me, his grandpa was building this house - and he was very proud of!!!!! *smile*

not far from there I saw the ancient municipality (backside), nowadays turned to a museum, and we admired the *last rose*!!!! *smile*

in the yard is a small exhibition of classic cars and even a motorbike which belonged to the fire department!!!!

from there I went to the measuring museum nearby!

I went straight to see its beautiful coloured windows in the saloon!!

da hat tabriz einfach die allerschoensten fenster im ganzen land,
und das sind auch noch schiebefenster - das muss man sich mal vorstellen, sowas wurde vor 200 j angefertigt!! einfach nur immer wieder ueberwaeltigend! und die sonne heute tat ein uebriges!!!

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my Toyvoyager guests- I was their host!! :-)))
ipuenktchen, 04:45h
FLAT STANLEY from new zealand:
HENRIK the moose from finland:
ThomasHH from germany:
LeylaParAvion from the states:
HENRIK the moose from finland:
ThomasHH from germany:
LeylaParAvion from the states:
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