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Saturday, 19. July 2014
Anitas kleiner Cousin ist HEUTE geboren!!!! :-)))
ipuenktchen, 13:25h

jaaaaaaaaaaaa, da ist er jaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! ***K*I*A****
19. juli 2014 um 1.10 uhr PM in tabriz mit 2.870 g und 50 cm!!
the baby-boy of dear lili_6789 and yashila_81 is born!!!!!!!

EDIT 20.7.:
hehe.. not a leo but a cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)))
and today in the late afternoon they will enter HOME!!!!
everything is ready....... *smiiiiiiiiiiiiiile*

EDIT 21.7.:
everybody a bit tired but happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and today the cute guy opened his eyes for his very first time!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT 23.7.:
our baby-boy got a bit jaundice.. but mostly relaxed :-)))))))

EDIT 24.7.:
wow... guiness book of records!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yesterday KIA got his identy-card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alle rekorde gebrochen, so fix den personalausweis erhalten!!

EDIT 25.7.:
boah - for the 2nd time we cut his nails!!!!!!!!!!
and born at 39 degrees Celsius, the whole week the same awfull weather, but today perhaps a bit more than this............
and dad made a so called *kalter hund* for his very first time!!

btw when yashila_81 was born 33 years ago, it was his
elder brother at age of 12 who made us after 3 days a
*kalter hund* as a christmas-cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT 27.7.:
yeaaaah, today we'll see again the cute baby-boy!!!!
but first we are working for a surprise for TUE - when we'll have the celebration when he will be given his name - juchhuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!

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