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Monday, 5. October 2015
Tehran... 3rd day..... :-)))
ipuenktchen, 15:58h
the residence had a garden party today at the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the German reunification - boah, what a crowd!!!!!!

the head of a large delegation from my home county speaking to the other guests. later an amazing chorus was presenting the hymns of both countries as well as the famous *an die freude* by beethoven!!

and last but not least the *stomach division* with nice food from both countries..
ausser den deutschen spezialitaeten wie kartoffelsalat und wuerstchen mit senf sowie sauerkraut, spaetzle und wuerstchen mit senf und laugenbrezeln gab es auch reis mit khoresht fuer die, die dem deutschen essen nichts abgewinnen konnten.

(c)chrblum - danke!!!!
our cute little TVs had been with us, dear little zizzi-zebra, zorro_zebra and ekaPeli!!! here at the official photo point
in front of the flags!!!!! :-))))

the head of a large delegation from my home county speaking to the other guests. later an amazing chorus was presenting the hymns of both countries as well as the famous *an die freude* by beethoven!!

and last but not least the *stomach division* with nice food from both countries..
ausser den deutschen spezialitaeten wie kartoffelsalat und wuerstchen mit senf sowie sauerkraut, spaetzle und wuerstchen mit senf und laugenbrezeln gab es auch reis mit khoresht fuer die, die dem deutschen essen nichts abgewinnen konnten.

(c)chrblum - danke!!!!
our cute little TVs had been with us, dear little zizzi-zebra, zorro_zebra and ekaPeli!!! here at the official photo point
in front of the flags!!!!! :-))))

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Wonderful Art Event in Tehran!!!!! :-))))
ipuenktchen, 04:34h
pls have a look at the links 2 days before about the great artist *P*H*I*L*I*P*P**G*E*I*S*T* with his light installation at our
great sign of tehran!!!! it was so fantastic and we got extremly impressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you like to know more about pls have a look at the links 3.10.

PS: ich las gerade *in seinem fach ist er ein weltstar*!!!
umso mehr freuen wir uns, dass wir dabei waren!!! juchuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
update 23.12.2015
great sign of tehran!!!! it was so fantastic and we got extremly impressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you like to know more about pls have a look at the links 3.10.

PS: ich las gerade *in seinem fach ist er ein weltstar*!!!
umso mehr freuen wir uns, dass wir dabei waren!!! juchuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
update 23.12.2015
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