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Friday, 20. November 2015
HoHoHoooooooooooooooo, Everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ipuenktchen, 03:58h
it was great when PlaymoSanta understood his hybernating is really finished and nobody asked him again to get hidden!!! we spent the day alltogether and in the afternoon I proposed a ride downtown to see a calligraphy exhibition from the artpieces of a great master in calligraphy Mr. Mir Yaghoub Sangterash!!???!!

this was my personal favorite.......
calligraphy - what is this, theTVs asked themselves.... and when we entered the exhibition hall they noticed that in calligraphy the artist is playing with their characters of farsi alphabet!!!! and the traditional kind of calligraphy is taught up from the schools and a kind of decoration. coz in the islamic religion the human presentation was forbidden, and so ppl got habitude to decorate with their characters and they have so great results after years of studying...
here you may see some examples!!!!

Those pictures show the enormous variety of expressions available to this artist in calligraphy.
diese fotos zeigen, was fuer eine enorme bandbreite unterschiedlicher ausdrucksweisen in kalligraphie diesem kuenstler zur verfuegung stehen!

this was my personal favorite.......
calligraphy - what is this, theTVs asked themselves.... and when we entered the exhibition hall they noticed that in calligraphy the artist is playing with their characters of farsi alphabet!!!! and the traditional kind of calligraphy is taught up from the schools and a kind of decoration. coz in the islamic religion the human presentation was forbidden, and so ppl got habitude to decorate with their characters and they have so great results after years of studying...
here you may see some examples!!!!

Those pictures show the enormous variety of expressions available to this artist in calligraphy.
diese fotos zeigen, was fuer eine enorme bandbreite unterschiedlicher ausdrucksweisen in kalligraphie diesem kuenstler zur verfuegung stehen!
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