Tuesday, 21. March 2017
EYDE SHOMA MOBARAK!!!!!!!!!!! :-)))))
am MO hatten wir um 1 uhr 58 u 40 sek mittags den jahreswechsel!!

rouze doshanbeh khodetun midunin tshe saati sal tahwil shode bud!!?!

inja ham haftsinemun 1396!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when you had admired my haftsin, pls have a look at our sabze!! they where fighting who's the best!!!?! hahahaaa... and as the bigger one made me mad.. pls tell me, no daughter-in-law taking the responsability for???????? I found last week a nice one to honour the year of the cock.. and finally as a last-minute-action yesterday I bought one.. and as the bigger one got ashamed, it tried it's best not making me mad anymore... hehehe........

do you remember the song *coming home for christmas*???? we
felt like this... as our son1 came home the eve before and it was
PERFECT, and deep from our heart we could say *NOROUZ AMAD*!!!!!!! (norouz arrived)

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