Friday, 3. December 2021
First Snow in this Season on Dec, 2nd.. :-)))) - :-((((
some like it - some hate it.....
first snow in tabriz...........

of cause the kiddies had made their own tree, too!!!!!!!!
juchuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! love it!! specially the top!!!
a flea-market-catch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how lucky they are!!!!


finally we had today our alltime favorite dish
LENTIL SOUP, we missed a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seit eeeeewigen zeiten hatte ich appetit darauf!!!!!!
u HEUTE hab ich es endlich geschafft!! so lecker!!!!!!


gestern war natuerlich wieder basteln angesagt...
dies u das u gemalt....

der renner waren die raketen, die mittels strohhalm
auch echt flogen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

einen suessen kl origami-santa gab es auch mal wieder!

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