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Sunday, 15. December 2013
...dann dreiiiiiiiiii.............. :-))))))
ipuenktchen, 03:30h

(c)annette - dank dir schoen!!
btw... now midnight, turning to 16th Dec... -10 degrees celsius!!
update 16th Dec afternoon -15 degrees Celsius & sunny!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, 15. December 2013
wintereinbruch in nahost..... :-))))
ipuenktchen, 03:11h
....liess heute das TV verlauten! und in *middle east* ebenso.. kann ich nur bestaetigen... maenne hat heute 3x geschippt, es schneite fast den ganzen tag - wieder!!

at first some pics from our kuye ferdows!!

in the morning!! later the snow got more even!!!

when we went out at lili's!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on the way to baghmisheh..

meidane fahmideh..

up, up on the hill......

icicles everywhere................

unter'm dach, jucheeeeeee!!!

icicles got double since 2 days ago!!!!

einsames gaesschen..

einsamer huegel..

at first some pics from our kuye ferdows!!

in the morning!! later the snow got more even!!!

when we went out at lili's!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on the way to baghmisheh..

meidane fahmideh..

up, up on the hill......

icicles everywhere................

unter'm dach, jucheeeeeee!!!

icicles got double since 2 days ago!!!!

einsames gaesschen..

einsamer huegel..
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Friday, 13. December 2013
Olden-times-favorite-lunch......... :-))))))
ipuenktchen, 20:34h
boah, leutz, perhaps after 15 or 20 years ago TODAY my hubby asked me for an olden-times-favorite-dish!!!?!?!? it was the favorite dish of our two kids and all other kids around and we had it soooo often, that when they were grown up, we couldn't see this dish anymore..... and just today he asked me for.............

(nur wurden sie damals ohne aepfel gemacht, dafuer mit apfelmus *smile*)

(nur wurden sie damals ohne aepfel gemacht, dafuer mit apfelmus *smile*)
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