Saturday, 8. March 2014
Internationaler Tag der Frau :-))))))))))))))

congrats to all women of the world!! - and besides I'd tell you about SPRING!!!!!!!!!!! yesterday we spent a great time in our garden near gurigol, 25 km tehran road... it was IR new year feeling - spring feeling.. spring is in the air.... lalalaaaaaaaa... *smile*

and the traveltoys were hanging in the tree like the eggs on an easter-tree.. hehe....

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Thursday, 6. March 2014
*Unser Dorf soll schoener werden!* :-)))))
here some pics I took today downtown....
it seems this will be used during our new year holidays at the squares and circles!! well done!!!!!

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Wednesday, 5. March 2014
Smth to crotchet - tak mil - crocheter - uncinetto -
if you like to crotchet, you may get in touch with this dutch lady to take part in her project - as we did in the german forum of PC!!! and now a dozen of young germanspeaking women are crotchetting and finally will send for her!!!!

and here is our contribution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EDIT 7th march - today we finished the 2nd granny square!!

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