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Monday, 31. March 2014
BAD SNOOOOOOOOOOW.... :-((((((((((((((((
ipuenktchen, 06:08h

pls imagine!! just at 4 AM I noticed it's snowing, -2 degrees.. and as last week when my worker was here, 'the men* decided it's spring time and the flowers had to come out from the cellar, he met them on the stairs and terrasse as usual... and now it was MY JOB, to rescue them.....

and in the morning we had nearly 10 cm snow....
I got up too late and snow was mostly gone.. but we had some pics to remember............. - in marand, 70 km far from tab there was much more snow, twice..... and in ardabil much, much, much more............. oh oh.. what kind of *sizdah holiday* we'll have after 2 days!!!!!??????????!?!?!?!?!?
EDIT: 24 h later............
as a little equivalent for all this trouble we have now CHERRY BLOSSOMS at home!!!!! two branches for me when my hubby recently cut the shrubs and trees...
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Monday, 31. March 2014
Blindenarbeit in den vierziger Jahren in tabriz..
ipuenktchen, 04:00h
off topic during norouz-holidays....
johanna harms, genannt hanni, arbeitete erst in esfahan, spaeter in tabriz, wo sie 1941 verhaftet wurde und in russischen lagern landete.. *wenn ich auch wanderte im finstern tal* - ihre autobiografie ueber diese vielen harten jahre...............

auch mein vater war 1908 geboren; zu einer zeit, als er als soldat in RU kaempfte, leitete sie in tabriz dieses blindenheim mit schule!!!!! - eben gerade den elly-beinhorn-film gesehen, auch 1907 geboren.. sag mir nur keiner, er/sie haette keine moeglichkeiten gehabt!!!!! es gab so tolle frauen!! es lag immer zuerst mal an jedem einzelnen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! das gibt doch anlass zum gruebeln.. soifzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..
johanna harms, genannt hanni, arbeitete erst in esfahan, spaeter in tabriz, wo sie 1941 verhaftet wurde und in russischen lagern landete.. *wenn ich auch wanderte im finstern tal* - ihre autobiografie ueber diese vielen harten jahre...............

auch mein vater war 1908 geboren; zu einer zeit, als er als soldat in RU kaempfte, leitete sie in tabriz dieses blindenheim mit schule!!!!! - eben gerade den elly-beinhorn-film gesehen, auch 1907 geboren.. sag mir nur keiner, er/sie haette keine moeglichkeiten gehabt!!!!! es gab so tolle frauen!! es lag immer zuerst mal an jedem einzelnen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! das gibt doch anlass zum gruebeln.. soifzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..
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Friday, 28. March 2014
Countdown laeuft............. :-))))))))))))))
ipuenktchen, 14:02h
as it is the main goal of IR ppl to visit each other during the new year holidays, today it was our turn to wait for guests!! and we were very excited what will happen.... the days before I had been so busy to get nuts and cookies/ pastry and yesterday my son2 went to buy lots of fruits... and so on...............

and when ppl are arriving you have to serve first the tea and cookies or pastry. later nuts and other sweets, and at last the fruits!!!!!!!! this is difficult coz they all don't arrive at the same time.. and you must not forget to whom you served whatever....

the last visitors left at 11.30 PM!!

and when ppl are arriving you have to serve first the tea and cookies or pastry. later nuts and other sweets, and at last the fruits!!!!!!!! this is difficult coz they all don't arrive at the same time.. and you must not forget to whom you served whatever....

the last visitors left at 11.30 PM!!
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