Wednesday, 21. May 2014
Vogelstimmen - Sonne - frische Luft und ein sattes Gruen
on the road tabriz - gurigöl.....

mt. sahand, 3.710 m, still with a little bit snow............

(my FC-buddy with a better camera & better weather..)

and here it is.......... our garden (since 1978)!!!!!!!!

abandoned teahouse............

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Tuesday, 20. May 2014
Game-Gathering every 2 weeks - this time at ipue's!!
self-service is common...

the shoe-memory, a gift of dear IsaGV..

pochen - a souvenir of my childhood...

women's footwear at the entrance......

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Monday, 19. May 2014
Hopefully you'll not get bored from all my flowers???

morgen, uebermorgen wird die pracht langsam wieder verfallen, ein jammer...

und die eine in der vase..............

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