Saturday, 3. September 2016
My Postcrossing Anniversary 2016, 2nd Sep
*E*L*E*V*E*N***Y*E*A*R*S*...... yeaaaaaaahhhhh!!!

thxxxxx, dear paulo, again & again for this glorious idea, which enriched our life a lot!!!!

635,585 members
211 countries
831 postcards/hour
37,510,515 postcards received
409,719 postcards traveling
189,043,046,414 km traveled
4,717,231 laps around the world

can you imagine this?????????????????????????????
pls join in: and be part of our fantastic community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Friday, 26. August 2016
Die lebenswertesten Staedte der Welt :-)))
the ten favorite cities in the world!!!!!!!!!!

1 - Melbourne
2 - Vienna
3 - Vancouver
4 - Toronto
5 - Calgary
6 - Adelaide
7 - Perth
8 - Auckland
9 - Helsinki
10- Hamburg

quelle: the economist

PS we lived in hamburg only for 5 years...
and in helsinki I had been twice during my holidays! (Updated: three Times in the meantime!!)
same in vienna, but three times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thursday, 25. August 2016
Der beste aller Ehemaenner hat heute Geburtstag!!

und er weiss es nieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
*lachmichwechhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* - jedes jahr aufs neue gelingt die ueberraschung... und am ende des geburtstagsliedes faellt ihm auf, dass alle IHN angucken... *lachhhhhhhhhh*

it's the bday of my beloved hubby, and he's never current about, and so it's every year again a nice surprise for him... heheheeeeeee....... pls have a look at the pic above.... and you can imagine!!!!!!!!

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