Friday, 21. June 2019
We have a Birthday far Away... :-)))))

the worldbest first granddaughter is turning 15!!!!!!

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Friday, 14. June 2019
Und wieder ein Jahr älter!!!!!! seufzzzz... :-))) :-(((
THU 13. 06. 2019

wenn ich alt bin, will ich nicht, dass die menschen
von mir denken *was fuer eine suesse alte frau!*
ich moechte, dass sie sagen *oh scheisse, was
hat sie jetzt schon wieder vor!!?!*

Foreign Ladies Gathering instead of a bdparty......

- Cafe Glace
- Linzer Torte
- Cake Ghannadiye Karimi
- Creme Caramel

Uiuiuiiii.. so many things, we should denied.. and for sure we'll regret when looking at the mirror next...
At the same time we were chatting and chatting and chatting as there wouldn't be any other opportunity no more... Hehe...

PS pls don't make a mistake by looking at the '50' on the cake!!
of course it's not my age!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but the cake was a gift for
our 50th wedding anniversary, used for my bday.....

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Monday, 10. June 2019
Langes Pfingstwochenende!!! :-)))))
YaLiKiVi trip H - KI - HH - H

H - abreise Hbf

KI - schoenes wetter!!!!!

KI - Tierpark

KI - seehundbecken

HH - Hafenfaehre

same in AU....
but because of queen's bday....


view from hotel's balcony....


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