Sunday, 1. March 2020
1 Martie - La Multi Ani!! 🌷🌷🌷

diese zentangle-karte hab ich zum meterologischen
fruehlingsbeginn fuer meine rumaenische freundin gemacht...

doch... UPDATE: aug. 2021 - bis heute haben wir uns wegen
corona nicht gesehen u ich habe die karte immer noch hier..

kommt zeit, kommt karte..... wir geben nicht auf. *smile*

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Yusefabad... We were coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FRI another cosy day in the garden. not so cold as last time, but there was still a lot of snow, with great sunny weather!!!

the chef-to-be was preparing *kartoffel-coucou*, and our dessert..??? hehe.. creme caramel, and again another lesson,
this time for *kalter hund*........

and for the kiddies it was a very funny FR, too.
chacun a son gout... cooking, playing, sleeping...

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Friday, 28. February 2020
Again cooking class for the chef-to-be...
Son2 don't give up to complete
his repertoire for 'das perfekte dinner'
hehehe... Well done!!!! We are the Jury....

On THU he had a lesson with my old friend from Romania to learn
CREME CARAMEL - yeeeeeeeah....
In our Family nearly as beloved as cheese cake!!!!!!

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Friday, 21. February 2020
21.2. - Internationaler Tag der Muttersprache

Welches ist dein Lieblingswort in deiner Muttersprache?????

- Scheiße
- Gemütlichkeit
- Kindergarten

What is your favorite Idiom in your mother tongue????

FARSI: sholough
AZERI: ev yoldashin, hamdam

UPDATED THU.... tinkertime: again the masks!!!

AND btw.. the unbelievable much snow is MELTING!!!

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