Thursday, 18. June 2020
Bananenbrot, die zweite!!!!!! :-)))). :-((((

again with bananas and black mulberries!!!!!!!

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Sunday, 14. June 2020
It was my bday, HBD to meee.... ;-))))))))
you stayed tuned to read about an unexpected nice bday in Corona times!!! my german friend from marand called me to ask for coming to meet on my BD... how nice!!!!!!!!!!! I got thrilled!!!!!!!!!! completely unexprected in these times!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and same time it was dear haki from our old friends calling who would like to come and see me. when I told her, our friend from marand is coming, too, she enjoyed a lot, and then we had a little coffee party at our terrasse in *corona distance*, yeaaaaaaaaaaaah.......

and when son2 heard about and saw the pics....
oooooookaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy, when 'everybody' is coming, of course YaLiKiVi will not miss me on my BD!!!! and so I had a very lucky day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

und was das beste war, abends im bett hatte ich beschlossen,
koste es was es wolle, ich werde an meinem BD essen von
draussen bestellen... u es klappte!! haki hatte die richtige Tel-Nr.!!!!
wir speisten koeniglich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thursday, 11. June 2020
Wieder mal eine Ueberraschung, die noch 3 Mon Zeit hat.....

naaaaaaaaaaaaaa????? was das wohl werden soll????

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The Weather Forecast..... :-))))) :-((((((
.....told us rain for TUE/ WED/ THU.... but untill now nothing.... normally they make a good job and we know the upcoming weather exactly.... but now impressing clouds - that's all!!

thank you, dear lili_6789 (c), for the great pic from your roof top!!!

During the last minutes of THU we had some Rain... for 5 minutes.

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