Friday, 13. November 2020
Kiddies Back Home.. Yusefabad... :-))) :-(((
In the early morning we'll have a surprise!!!!!!!!! After a long time with their other grand parents we can hug the sweeties again!!!!!!!!

They arrived a 9 AM waking Up everybody... and so we had a great day all together!!!! The sun was shining for us!!!!!!

von den schoensten blaettern sammelte ich welche fuer zuhause zum Pressen u Basteln!!!!!

Yashila_81 was baking two breads by the bread machine.. one we ate in the Garden, but the other one we are eating now at Home.. yummyyyy!!! Az we were at Home at 7 PM.. The Heating needed a quite Long Time to warm up the House..

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Wednesday, 11. November 2020
Apple Puree continued again...!!! ;-))))
We would, but we didn't yet.....

UPDATE 12.11.2020:
We did it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeeeaaahhhhh!!!!!

Ein Apfel-Marathon.. 20 Gläser Apfelmus in 8 Stunden!!!!
Yashila_81 pflückte u schaelte sämtliche Äpfel!!

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11.11. but yet 11.11 o'clock..... :-))) :-(((
What means this???????
Yep.. Beginning of the 5th Season, the carnaval Season...
But no carnaval this year because of Corona.. In Northern Germany not really a prob, but ppl around Köln, Düsseldorf, Mainz I think they will cry for.... :-(((((

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Friday, 6. November 2020
btw - it's very softly raining.... ;-))))
I prefer this, so no prob with our roof!!!!!!!!!!!

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Kiddies for Inliner-Class!!!!!!!!!!
they found a new opportunity to have fun and sports!!
an Inliner-class dad found for them, even he practice it himself, too!!! great fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UPDATE 11.11.2020:
Recently closed because of the this Virus..
Same also kia's Robot class... :-(((

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