Wednesday, 22. December 2010
- solstice - birthdays - engagement -
boah - what a day!! full of events...
we had been invited this eve and it was great!!!!
first of all it's *shabe yalda* - the winter solstice!!
a nice eve celebrated among the family, parents or grandparents are inviting all their kids and grandchildren or among your friends to pass the longest night of the year together; up from tomorrow it's up to the long light days again..

it's common to spend this night busy with all kind of fruits, specially water melon and pommegranates, dried fruits and nuts, sweets, cake and biscuits and so on...

POSSY and CROSSY at shabe yalda

HENRIK at another b-day... wow - iranians are always ready to make party........ :-))))))))))

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