Saturday, 10. September 2011
unesco-site TABRIZ bazar...
(memories from first decade of august 2011)

today we had a walk at tabriz bazar. wooow - it's the world by far largest roofed bazar and when you go into it's difficult to find out again!!! it was registered as a world heritage site of iran in 2010!

in her first years in tabriz ipue was going to bazar nearly every day as she told us!!! but as well as she liked it her son (unic child untill then!!!!) pretty hated it..........

so, pls remember... *Psssssssssst* my mom must not be current... me, thomasHH, would go to bazar to buy a nice souvenir for my mom!!!! Ipue gave me a pocket money!! I'm soooooooooooooo thrilled and was eager to find smth suitable!!! and I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I will not tell it to everybody... perhaps it reach my mom's ear............. who knows!!!!!?!?!

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