Wednesday, 21. December 2011
SHABE YALDA_2 :-))))))))))))))))
ipuenktchen, 15:43h
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear yashila_81!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
die deutsche sitte kam ja fuer beide, yasha & lili, nicht zur anwendung, dass jmd, der am 3o. geburtstag noch junggeselle ist, die rathaustreppe fegen/rathaustuerklinke putzen muss, bis eine jungfrau/ junggeselle vorbeikommt und ihm/ ihr einen kuss gibt... hehe..
we have a german custom, if somebody isn't still married not yet until his/ her 30th b-day, he/ she have to clean the stairs of municipality untill there is another unmarried person passing by and ready to kiss him/her....... but there was no need, as both, lili & yasha had been married before their 30th b-day.... :-p
and later here be patient to find a pic of lilis 30th b-day!!!!
and from his b-day, too!!
pls have a look here, too..............
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