Sunday, 29. December 2013
auf in den bazar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ipuenktchen, 20:58h
aemter - grosshandel - obst - puuuh, was fuer ein tag...
und dabei soooooooooooooooo kalt...... -13 °C....
here some pics from a day in bazar, weather frozen.. :-(((



proud shopkeeper

and here a pics with ZIZZI_zebra, Possy & Crossy, F.M.Bear
in front of one of the wholesales-shops!!

this was so strange, when we finally found an antique shop
and his owner called *akbar almani* means *german akbar*
means *deutscher akbar*...
und dabei soooooooooooooooo kalt...... -13 °C....
here some pics from a day in bazar, weather frozen.. :-(((



proud shopkeeper

and here a pics with ZIZZI_zebra, Possy & Crossy, F.M.Bear
in front of one of the wholesales-shops!!

this was so strange, when we finally found an antique shop
and his owner called *akbar almani* means *german akbar*
means *deutscher akbar*...
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