Monday, 31. March 2014
BAD SNOOOOOOOOOOW.... :-((((((((((((((((
ipuenktchen, 06:08h
pls imagine!! just at 4 AM I noticed it's snowing, -2 degrees.. and as last week when my worker was here, 'the men* decided it's spring time and the flowers had to come out from the cellar, he met them on the stairs and terrasse as usual... and now it was MY JOB, to rescue them.....
and in the morning we had nearly 10 cm snow....
I got up too late and snow was mostly gone.. but we had some pics to remember............. - in marand, 70 km far from tab there was much more snow, twice..... and in ardabil much, much, much more............. oh oh.. what kind of *sizdah holiday* we'll have after 2 days!!!!!??????????!?!?!?!?!?
EDIT: 24 h later............
as a little equivalent for all this trouble we have now CHERRY BLOSSOMS at home!!!!! two branches for me when my hubby recently cut the shrubs and trees...
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