Saturday, 19. April 2014
Sewing with open end...... :-))))
ipuenktchen, 04:25h
means... today we were sewing and will be continued tomorrow..............
oh, leutzzzzz, das ist vllt an die 8 - 10 jahre her, dass ich zuletzt etwas genaeht habe... und bestimmt keine klamotten; erinnere mich an ein babybadetuch.... waehrend ich ja frueher etliche jahre lang meine eigene kleidung sogar selbergemacht hatte.... aber dann keine nerven mehr.. schade!

and now I proposed dear lili_6789 to make some clothes for her to be more comfortable in the last months of her pregnancy... her mom was so kind to send the fabrics!! and as she helped a lot and with her lovely smile always she cheers ppl up and I was relaxed enough to finish one today.
the other one is our programme for tomorrow!!
schaumermal, was das fotomaessig hergibt..

and both dresses we finished today, very proud & happy!!!!!!!!
oh, leutzzzzz, das ist vllt an die 8 - 10 jahre her, dass ich zuletzt etwas genaeht habe... und bestimmt keine klamotten; erinnere mich an ein babybadetuch.... waehrend ich ja frueher etliche jahre lang meine eigene kleidung sogar selbergemacht hatte.... aber dann keine nerven mehr.. schade!

and now I proposed dear lili_6789 to make some clothes for her to be more comfortable in the last months of her pregnancy... her mom was so kind to send the fabrics!! and as she helped a lot and with her lovely smile always she cheers ppl up and I was relaxed enough to finish one today.

the other one is our programme for tomorrow!!
schaumermal, was das fotomaessig hergibt..

and both dresses we finished today, very proud & happy!!!!!!!!
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