Thursday, 12. June 2014
backen - guide - deutschkinderklasse...........
ipuenktchen, 12:08h
oyoyoyoooooyyyyyyyyyyoyyyyyyy!! a day a bit pretty busy...
baking smth for tomorrow.. making the guide for guests of dear lili_6789 and hubby.. and last but not least my weekly kids german lesson!!!!!!!?!?!? and in the late eve we'll have a glance at shahgoli park -
- and I'll be DEAD!!!??!

and here impressions of our walk downtown:

opening ceremony of mansour crossroad

ark - ancient citadel

me today..............
- baking: done
- kids german lesson: done
- guide: done
- downtown again, opening ceremony for mansour cross road and decoration of tab for *nime shaban*: done
- shahgoli, dinner at ipue's: done
- watching TV BR ./. CR: we are doing this NOW!!!
and here you may have a look at *honare mafhum*..
I love pics like this.... hidden art...... *smile*
an amazing addition at digital photography!!!!!

baking smth for tomorrow.. making the guide for guests of dear lili_6789 and hubby.. and last but not least my weekly kids german lesson!!!!!!!?!?!? and in the late eve we'll have a glance at shahgoli park -

and here impressions of our walk downtown:

opening ceremony of mansour crossroad

ark - ancient citadel

me today..............
- baking: done
- kids german lesson: done
- guide: done
- downtown again, opening ceremony for mansour cross road and decoration of tab for *nime shaban*: done
- shahgoli, dinner at ipue's: done
- watching TV BR ./. CR: we are doing this NOW!!!
and here you may have a look at *honare mafhum*..
I love pics like this.... hidden art...... *smile*
an amazing addition at digital photography!!!!!

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