Monday, 30. June 2014
Eyyyyyyyy - POTTERY after a long time... :-))))
ipuenktchen, 19:02h
MON: *schmirgeln und waschen* my pottery buddy from abroad is here for holidays!!! in his very last days before his departure we are doing POTTERY finally!!!!!!!!!! juchuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

TUE: *zeichnen, gravieren, waschen*

the painted workpieces of my pottery-buddiy!!!!

WED: *zeichnen, gravieren, waschen, loch bohren*
letzteres macht mein kumpel heute abend *smile*
juchuuuuuuuuu, today I finished 8 small plates!!!!!!!

the workpieces created by my buddy!!

THU: *schmirgeln, waschen, zeichnen*

and the lamp made by my pottery-buddy

now we are ready to bring our stuff for the next kiln!!!!
it was so nice to be with clay after such a long time.... :-) my pottery buddy from abroad is here for holidays!!! in his very last days before his departure we are doing POTTERY finally!!!!!!!!!! juchuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

TUE: *zeichnen, gravieren, waschen*

the painted workpieces of my pottery-buddiy!!!!

WED: *zeichnen, gravieren, waschen, loch bohren*
letzteres macht mein kumpel heute abend *smile*
juchuuuuuuuuu, today I finished 8 small plates!!!!!!!

the workpieces created by my buddy!!

THU: *schmirgeln, waschen, zeichnen*

and the lamp made by my pottery-buddy

now we are ready to bring our stuff for the next kiln!!!!
it was so nice to be with clay after such a long time.... :-)
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