Tuesday, 13. February 2018
Playmos... Great Playmos everywhere!!!!! :-)))
today I read the german daily newspaper from my original hometown hannover, HAZ, and there was an article about a german teacher, 45 y/o, collecting playmos since an age of 4...

boahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, he collected about 10.000 playmos and a large stuff of miniature worlds like vehicles, houses, furniture, forts, castles, animals and so on untill back to medievial and baroque era.... he placed them in a large hall close to his living place..

and now, believe it, there will be a great exhibition *playing history* in the hannover historical museum from parts of his collection, up from aug, 19!!!!! it would be so great, if we could be there, too.. to tell him about the adventures of my own playmos, although they don't have these great houses and stuff... but the things they need they have!!!!!

and they have seen the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from the chinese great wall to the yellowstone park and sooooooo many more countries!!!!!!!!!!

here you can see his first playmo from 1976:

(c) HAZ Feb, 12, Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (simon benne)
Quelle: (Alexander Körner)

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