Tuesday, 10. April 2018
SPRING!??!! Spring????!! SPRING!!!!! In Elgoli & Ferdows... Yeaaaah!!! :-)))
we had a two-hours-walk in shahgoli park with the kids..
best weather ever!!!!!!!!!!

and back home we enjoyed our beautiful yard... *smile*

it makes me really tired and sad as well... our neighbors in front built 6-floor-houses, in back 10-floor-houses... and WE are suffeing in between, while offering them an impressing view into our beautiful green yard with all the flowers and trees trying to keep a very little fresh air for everybody.... and also a little field for the poor honey-bees... ennoying or what???? it's my tabriz or yours???? money, money, money, money makes the world go around... so sad!!!!!!!!!!!

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