Wednesday, 23. June 2021
btw........ :-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
...noch aetzendere 38 Grad Celsius....................
for the third time, and we are still in June................

but there are good news, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today I found a letter with a BDcard from my best old
friend in FI, when I was watering the garden!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeeeeeeaaaah, after 1 year and half again the postman!

and our 'agriculture' is growing.. the tomatoes are blooming!!!!
this makes me so happy as they were so delicious last year!!!!!!!



Deutschland - Ungarn................. 2 : 2

ganz knapp haben 'unsere' den rausschmiss gleich zu
beginn der EM noch vermieden... au weia.....

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