Monday, 13. September 2021
This & That on MON........ :-)))))
at first yesterday on SUN I created a moomins-card to cheer
up my finnish friend for her birthday today!!!!!!!! it was a long
time I had the idea to make a moomins-card, and so best idea
for her as she's Finnish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

schon laaaaange hatte ich die idee, eine moomins-karte
zu machen u warum nicht zum geb von der lieben ANU,
wo sie doch finnin ist!!?! herzlichen glueckwunsch!!!!!!

the moomins going to join a postcrossing meeting!!!!!!!!!

this morning we had a lovely surprise, when yalikivi kicked us
out from bed to have a yummy breakfast together!!!!!!
they had been at their roller skate class in the early morning
and were pretty tired and hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

later I was busy again with handmade cards....
here another one: take your time - Nimm dir zeit!

und da bekanntlich aller guten dinge drei sind, machte ich
noch eine weitere collage, aber die kann ich nicht verraten!!!!
weiiiiiiiiiiil die empfaengerin hier auch manchmal reinschaut.
Pssssssssssssssssssssssst... bitte um geduld!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kommt zeit, kommt karte... hehe.......


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