Friday, 11. December 2015
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas.....

Possy & Crossy and EkaPeli and Zorro_Zebra and Zizzi_zebra
are enjoying their stay, too!!!!!!!!!!!!! *smile*

believe it, at the *deutscher hof* at erbil at its biergarten there was a christmas-market just the day we were there!! so nice... with tons of santas, baby-santa even, women-santas, ready for a photo-session!!!

ausserdem gab es keksbacken fuer kinder, und man konnte waffeln, linsensuppe m wuerstchen od gar gluehwein erstehen... es wurden auch weihndekoartikel angeboten und bierglaeser in allen formen u groessen...

in erbil it was fun to meet x-mas-trees at every turn!!!!!!

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