Tuesday, 19. June 2018
125th Anniversary Madsackverlag :-
Keep watching!!????!!!!!!!

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Tigabiga.. our 2nd living room..... :-)))))

it was always like an outdoor living room, chilling outside unter these old trees with an excellent weather mostly this summer!!!!!!!!!!

even during the world football games they had a large screen for the football lovers not to miss any game...

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Someone's Bday!!!??!?!!??!!?! :-)))

always so eager to have my bday in my original home country together with my sis & old friends, this time it wasn't matching that perfect, as the weather wasn't that nice, too cold for outside with my arthrosis... and so we decided in the very last minute not to go to my favorite city, schoenste stadt der welt, nor to our 2nd living room, tigabiga.... but to stay inside... but lovely sis & YaLi were looking for favorite pastry and we had best coffeetime together!!!!!!

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Holidays 2018 - CeBIT 2018 - some impressions

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