Sunday, 24. February 2019
Grosse Ereignisse werfen ihre Schatten voraus..
calm down!!!!! as my friend told me... omg... leicht gesagt,
aber schwer getan.... lasst euch ueberraschen!!
pls stay tuned for the MEGA-SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


wie heisst es so schoen, wenn sich ein fenster schliesst, tut sich ein anderes auf....

a famous quote told us, when one window is closing, another window get opened...

at the same time, when I canceled my pilgrimage trip to mekka, coz at the same time when it was our turn, they had a new safety rule, no ppl more than 60 y/o!!!!!!!!! at the same time our son1 decided to make us travel beside him.... omg............................................

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