Monday, 6. January 2014
back home this morning from tehran! :-)))
yesterday we arrived in tehran in the morning at the railway station!

then we went by bus to our former hotel for breakfast, up from there to 7 tir sq for my favorite postcard-shop and straight to the hospital for my hubby's medical treatment! the *air situation* was *shocking*.........................

as we went via karimkhane zand ave we saw the armenian cathedral on our way to the hospital!

it wouldn't be IR, if everything went by as it was planned........
finally the truck with the requested new windows for son1's flat
had an accident and went back to tab, but thx god they let us
current immediately and we were able to join a bus at midnight
back to tab, too............. :-((((((((((((

and here a view around the arjantin terminal with my favorite skyscraper in black & red :-))))))))))))

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Saturday, 4. January 2014
A trip forward to the Capital of IR!!! :-)))
ey, ghosh, we'll have a trip by train to tehran and will leave this eve!!! we, Possy & Crossy, and for sure ZIZZI_Zebra and our dear guest F.M.Bear will be with us!! as usual we'll have a private cabin - so we have space enough ;-)))

pls stay tuned for our pics and *adventures*!!!

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...und noch etwas weihnachtliches!! :-)))
(bevor die deko abgebaut wird!!!!! *smile*)
die *ausbeute* meiner diesjaehrigen weihnachtskarten!!

thank you so much for my x-mas-cards 2013@all

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Offener Adventskalender Marktkirche Hannover
....remember im dezember 2013 mit einer lichtinstallation untermalt mit wort und ton!

(c) alle annette: dankeschoen fuers teilen!

(c) mascho: dankeschoen fuers teilen!

diese reihe mit lichtinstallationen gibt es seit den 70-er jahren und man kommt richtig auf den geschmack, wenn man die bilder sieht, nicht wahr??

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Friday, 3. January 2014
never ending story from *master of desaster*.... :-)))
hopefully for the last time there was another day with the master thesis of son2 :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) pls keep your fingers crossed, after a few minutes he'll send it safely again to his prof....

for the TVs it was soooooooooo boring..... hehe....
hopefully this time the thesis will be ready to print!!! :-)))))

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