Saturday, 18. January 2014
back from a *wellness-weekend* in ardabil... :-)))
after so much trouble with hardware and software and the world wide web it was phantastic to have a weekend out - and what's better than to join a wedding!!??!?!?!?! and not that far in ardabil, the home town of our lovely daughter-in-law2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

at 8 AM leaving tab by bus - here you can see on of the large samovars beside the road, waiting for all the thursty bus-passengers!!! - arrived at 12 AM!! a very fast lunch and at 2 PM the wedding ceremony - here you can see the beautiful sugar loaf, which will be breaked by the eldest of the bride's family!!!

in the evening the wedding dinner at 9 PM, later at home nice evening, next morning late breakfast and me, I went for a photo shooting with our lovely traveltoys!!!!!!!! the SHEIKH SAFI ensemble is a world heritage site!!!!!

beside the monument of shah esmail I, who built this great ensemble!

after a yummy lunch we left ardabil, accompagnied by the majestic sabalan mountains view from ardabil untill sarab in a great sunny weather, very rarely..... I saw the mountains only very few times, mostly foggy around... but this time it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the 2nd highest mountains of IR and 4.811 m high!!!! (son2 had been on the peak in his early twenties!!) it's an extinct volcano!

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Monday, 13. January 2014
Probs Probs Probs Probs Probs :-((((((((((((
pls stay tuned for our pc*adventures*!!! *smile*

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Wednesday, 8. January 2014
congrats to the iconic singer... :-)))))))

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