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Monday, 14. April 2014
Time to say Goodbye!!!!!!!!!!! :-))) :-(((
ipuenktchen, 17:10h
goodbye-party at ipuenktchen's home - after NINE MONTHS with ipue our dear ***F.M.Bear*** will leave back home via VIENNA!!!!! dear KROETE is excitedly waiting for him at the baltic-sea-side!!!!!!!!!!!! and as dear kroete has a great adventure in advance and proposed to take ***POSSY & CROSSY*** with her, our dear little playmos are so thankfull and thrilled and ready to say good-bye, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for the moment ipue really don't know whether she's coming or going!?

for the moment ipue really don't know whether she's coming or going!?

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Sunday, 13. April 2014
Jubilaeum der IR airline..... :-))))
ipuenktchen, 20:01h
Fotobericht: 70 Jahre Iran Air
as strange as the country IR is even for ppl who are interested in,
the IR airline seems to be........

as strange as the country IR is even for ppl who are interested in,
the IR airline seems to be........
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Saturday, 12. April 2014
Fruehling laesst sein blaues Band.......... :-))))
ipuenktchen, 22:47h
Frühling läßt sein blaues Band
Wieder flattern durch die Lüfte
Süße, wohlbekannte Düfte
Streifen ahnungsvoll das Land
Veilchen träumen schon,
Wollen balde kommen
Horch, von fern ein leiser Harfenton!
Frühling, ja du bist's!
Dich hab ich vernommen!
Eduard Mörike

Wieder flattern durch die Lüfte
Süße, wohlbekannte Düfte
Streifen ahnungsvoll das Land
Veilchen träumen schon,
Wollen balde kommen
Horch, von fern ein leiser Harfenton!
Frühling, ja du bist's!
Dich hab ich vernommen!
Eduard Mörike

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