Saturday, 19. April 2014
Sewing with open end...... :-))))
means... today we were sewing and will be continued tomorrow..............

oh, leutzzzzz, das ist vllt an die 8 - 10 jahre her, dass ich zuletzt etwas genaeht habe... und bestimmt keine klamotten; erinnere mich an ein babybadetuch.... waehrend ich ja frueher etliche jahre lang meine eigene kleidung sogar selbergemacht hatte.... aber dann keine nerven mehr.. schade!

and now I proposed dear lili_6789 to make some clothes for her to be more comfortable in the last months of her pregnancy... her mom was so kind to send the fabrics!! and as she helped a lot and with her lovely smile always she cheers ppl up and I was relaxed enough to finish one today.

the other one is our programme for tomorrow!!

schaumermal, was das fotomaessig hergibt..

and both dresses we finished today, very proud & happy!!!!!!!!

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Thursday, 17. April 2014
Again Another busy Day.... too much.....
today it was my turn with our monthly gathering of my former collegues!! and yesterday you could admire my great tartes here in my blog... and today we eat them up!!!! everybody agreed - juchuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! it was delicious!!!

thank you, dear melanie, for teaching me tartes!!!!!!!!!!

and as one of my oldest collegues and also my friend recently moved to tehran, even last gathering had been at her home before she left tabriz... so they decided to give a souvenir from all her tabriz-friends to her.. well, it wasn't my taste, we have to look at this via IR-glasses, ppl here adore the IR-handmade-silver stuff!!!!!!!!!!! and so it was an excellent gift for her!!! pure silver!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tuesday, 15. April 2014
Another busyyyyyyyyyy dayyyyyy... :-) :-( :-)
- to buy some things need for baking and cooking..
- to have more bye-pics with FMB...... :-(((((((((
- to have to cook and clean for the gathering tomorrow at ipue's..
- to visite ipue's friend since a few days at the hospital..
- finishing of the granny-squares for NL..........
- to say good-bye to F.M.Baer and POSSY & CROSSY.......

later... only shopping is finished and also the last pics in ipue's neighborhood, now finished the granny squares, and now I'm baking... AND the man who cleans our home just arrived!!!!!!!!!!!! AND dear lili_6789 is on her way to visite my friend in hospital!!!!! ipue was baking the tartes, the man was cleaning the house - finally everything was done!!! and TIME TO SAY GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

puuuuuuuuuuuuuh.... pls be patient if I find time to make some pics..

and yes, I found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls have a look:

ipue's alley

ipue's supermarket

ipue's pastry

ipue's crown imperial - eine mickrige kaiserkrone.....

ipue's tarte aux tomates

ipue's tarte aux aubergines

and so F.M.Baer and POSSY & CROSSY are on their way to europe............

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