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Friday, 22. August 2014
Der sueeeesse Windel-Casanova!!!!!
ipuenktchen, 17:54h
this isn't my pic but the pic of yashila_81... *smile*
my absolutely personal favorite pic...................

yesterday he left for his first road-trip.. to ardabil!!!! :-)))
my absolutely personal favorite pic...................

yesterday he left for his first road-trip.. to ardabil!!!! :-)))
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Thursday, 21. August 2014
12th Postcrossing Meeting Tabriz 20.8.2014 *smile*
ipuenktchen, 03:51h
we are here again to start another meetup for some reasons... the newborn of dear lili_6789 and yashila_81, born 19th july, and holidays of dear MissLondon at her hometown, who had finished her studies recently in paris and now living and working even there!!!!!!!! congrats to all of you!!
and here are both *masterpieces*:

and here are both *masterpieces*:

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Monday, 18. August 2014
Great Day......... Amu amad.......... :-)))))))
ipuenktchen, 05:23h
today sweet little *K*I*A* will be aged ONE MONTH!!!!!
and for his very first time he'll come to OMA's & OPA's!!!! and besides - yeaaaaaah - his *amu* will meet him for his also very first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and so everybody was pretty busy - pls have a look!!!!

boaaaaah, what a great day it will be!!!!!!!!!!!! juchuuuuuuuuu!!!!

maenner unter sich.............
dabei fiel mir folgendes bild von 1970 ein:

vlnr: mein opa, mein mann, mein vater und vorne sohn1, der auf dem ersteren foto der onkel ist!!! *smile*
and for his very first time he'll come to OMA's & OPA's!!!! and besides - yeaaaaaah - his *amu* will meet him for his also very first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and so everybody was pretty busy - pls have a look!!!!

boaaaaah, what a great day it will be!!!!!!!!!!!! juchuuuuuuuuu!!!!

maenner unter sich.............
dabei fiel mir folgendes bild von 1970 ein:

vlnr: mein opa, mein mann, mein vater und vorne sohn1, der auf dem ersteren foto der onkel ist!!! *smile*
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