Monday, 1. September 2014
More Events while leaving Tabriz....... :-)
SIXTH GOAL::::::::::::::::::::::
ZANJAN... the city of knives and so on..

SEVENTH GOAL::::::::::::::::::
SOLTANIEH.. another world heritage site!!

EIGHTH GOAL::::::::::::::::::::
the iranian capital TEHRAN where we are NOW!!!!!

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Tuesday, 26. August 2014
More Events Here & There................ :-)))))
SECOND GOAL:::::::::::::::::
Islamic Island and Urmia Lake!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIRD GOAL:::::::::::::::::::
GURIGOL Lake and my dear hubby's b-day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

both lakes the same sad impression.. they get dry more and more...

urmia lake

gurigol lake

FOURTH GOAL::::::::::::::::::
armenian monastic ensemble in IR

finally we had seen water enough!!!!! aras river, the border!

FIFTH GOAL::::::::::::::::::
SARE"IN - ARDABIL - ASTARA............

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Sunday, 24. August 2014
Two Main Events!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. POSSY & CROSSY back home again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you so muchhhhhhhhhh, dear KROETE, for all your efforts!!
they were so happy about an exciting trip with you and the TVgang!

KWAADAPP is our newest TVguest!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeaaaahh...

2. MY GUESTS entered IR in the very early morning!!! a great day!
hopefully they will enjoy their trip in this part of our great country!


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